Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Chosen Darkness

It's been awhile since anyone's heard anything about Austin, TX band with a mouthful-of-a-name, I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness. They released a self-titled EP, produced by Spoon's Britt Daniel. They're finally releasing their long-awaited debut album, which is being released March 2006 and is called Fear is on Our Side. They're also releasing a 12" single for the song "According to Plan," which sounds very New Order if I do say so. Here's an mp3 of that song courtesy of the band's label, Secretly Canadian, and an mp3 from their EP.

According to Plan
When You Go Out

They've got one tour date coming up:
February 2 - Austin, TX - La Zona Rosa w/ Spoon


Eric said...

Very nice. I'd never actually heard their music up until now, but they havea name that is hard to forget.

Young Poisoner said...

The 12-inch is actually already out on ARTIKAL: