Friday, March 03, 2006

Halos & Lassos

Sometimes-Sufjan-collaborator, religiously poppy John Ringhofer, aka Half-Handed Cloud has a new record, Halos and Lassos coming out on Asthmatic Kitty. Ringhofer's often minute-long songs fit a lot of poppy brightness about Christianity and everything else. The album is 19 tracks but not even 40 minutes long! His bio says the songs are "a joyful noise in the style of the artist's songwriting: dazzlingly sweet, and dizzyingly short."

A Suit of Clouds to Ride the Skies
Place Your Wind Against My Sails

Halos and Lassos is being released next Tuesday, March 7th.


Anonymous said...

"You've Been Faithful to Us Clouds" is great as well.

viagra online said...

A little religious for my taste but it sounds so good!