Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Classics Made A-New

Ok, so, I'm sure you guys think that I am Sleater-Kinney criz-azzy, which I am. What can I say? They're the best thing since Dr. Pepper. Anyhoo, here's the mp3 of Janet and Eddie Vedder singing the classic "You Belong to Me," as pictured in Michael's post from Tuesday. This picture is of Corin and Eddie from Atlanta.

Tonight You Belong To Me (Janet & Eddie)

I first heard it done by Dallas native Meredith Louise Miller. She used to play around Dallas all of the time, but she's been busy getting her doctorate in physiology or nutrition or somethin' at UT. Silly people bettering themselves.

Tonight You Belong To Me (Meredith Miller& Broose)


Chris said...

the final second of the final show, when you knew that it was can't buy moments like that...or at least, well, I'm presuming...hope you two enjoyed it!

cc said...

completely enjoyed every second. but the last one was poignant. almost, no completely, unexplainable.

Linda Corby said...

Emailed your blog to a friend of mine whose kids will love it!

Come visit me, as I came on in here expecting something about horses. Nothing is every what you think it is going to be,lol, have fun,Linda

cc said...

thanks for reading and recommentding us, linda!

cindy, glad to see a local "friend" on here. hopefully, meredith will play up here again soon.

Anonymous said...

the ultimate second
Buy diablo 3 Gold of the last display, whenever you knew who's was over...income are not able to buy moments that way...or at least, very well, I am just supposing...we imagine you a Guild wars 2 CD KEY kaufenpair of experienced this!