Wednesday, July 27, 2005

ACL Fest #8

M83 is made up of one guy making really etheral music. He's French and his name is Anthony Gonzalez. There used to be another guy doing this with him but eventually it just became Gonzalez.

Umm...I got his latest CD Before the Dawn Heals Us and liked it pretty well. Although I have to admit I see his music as mostly background music, there are a few songs off of the album that can actually hold my attention, like the album's first single "Don't Save Us From the Flames" and "Teen Angst."

Run Into Flowers (Midnight F*ck Remix by Jackson)
Teen Angst
I Guess I'm Floating

Don't Save Us From the Flames video
Real High / Real Low
Windows High / Windows Low

M83 will be playing Sunday from 1:45-2:30 on the Heineken stage.

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