I kinda am in love with bonus/hidden tracks that bands put on their albums. Whether they're just another track not on the tracklist, or you have to wait for a big pause between the tracks, I like them all. Usually they're just short & sweet songs. Sometimes they're songs that were left off the album for a reason. Most are barely even long enough to notice, so don't be upset when a track's less than a minute long.
Cat Power-Bonus Track from The Greatest
Hot Chip-Untitled from The Warning
Laura Veirs-Bonus Track from Year of the Meteors
Yeah Yeah Yeahs-Porcelain from Fever to Tell
Young People-Bonus Track from Young People
Travis-Ring Out the Bell from The Invisible Band
Love Is All-Untitled (Bonus Track) from Nine Times That Same Song
Akron/Family-Untitled from Akron/Family
Apostle of Hustle-Untitled from Folkloric Feel
Giant Drag-Hidden Track from Hearts and Unicorns
The Organ-Hidden Track from Grab That Gun
Petra Haden-Hidden Track from Petra Haden Sings: The Who Sell Out
The Duke Spirit-Souvenir from Cuts Across the Land
I think 'Bucky Little Wing' from Islands' Return to the Sea is a really nice, sweet tune, and I've always liked the spacey, echoey feeling on the hidden track of Bloc Party's Silent Alarm.
Bucky Little Wing isnt too secret there is just a longgggg white noise/empty noise section in front and behind it. (although ive moved the start time up on itunes to about 5 seconds before it starts!)
great hidden tracks, i nabbed the Love Is All track and Apostle of Hustle, im hoping he'll release another something,something somday.
Great post.
Though I'm a little puzzled why my copy of 'The Greatest' doesn't seem to have that extra track on it. Bizarre.
Hot Chip track is called "Won't Wash".
coxon, I think there was a special edition of The Greatest and those are the only ones that had the track. and thanks for the info anonymous. didn't think about the islands track either.
There was an edition of The Greatest with an extra track, but not too secret as it has a big black sticker on the front saying it has a bonus track. It's not that limited though, my local JB Hi-Fi still has loadsa copies a few months later.
There is also another bonus track (not sure if it's hidden) on the Japanese version.
What about the hidden track on Mutations (Diamond Bollocks)? That one's hella cool. I was just noticing the other day how pretty much every (good) Beck album has a hidden track and was curious about his fascination with them.
There's also the song "Miles Is Dead", the bonus track at the end of the CD version of the Afghan Whigs album Congregation. Might be the best song on the entire album. Very intense...
Luna's Bonnie and Clyde?
Will you put "Souvenir" back up? I would really like that!
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